‘Making time’ vs ‘having time’
What do you have time for today? What habits would you like to build if you had all the time in the world?
The truth is we don’t actually have time for anything, we do however make time for many things. Sometimes consciously, sometimes not.
If your mindset shifts, you might realise you are more in control of your time and how you use it than you think you are. We develop habits around the things we make time for.
Think about it:
We make time to brush our teeth because we want to prevent tooth decay, this has been a habit since we were kids.
We make time to pick up our phones and scroll around on social media, this then becomes a habit.
We make time to pour ourselves a coffee in the morning, then we find we can’t live without the caffeine hit.
We make time to exercise regularly and then it becomes something we can’t live without.
What new habits and how much time can you unlock if you changed your mindset and consciously made time for things instead of believing you only had time for things?
For more advice on building healthier habits, contact me.